aka Hemorrhoids Doctor

How do you find a good hemroids doctor?  A hemroids doctor with plenty of experience with treating hemroids? What are specialist hemroids doctors called?

While they are not usually serious, hemroids can be quite complicated to treat on occasion, and with some of the medical procedures out there to deal with them, can even require a hemroids doctor who has quite extensive experience with the exact problem and procedure you require.

In no case should a doctor dismiss hemroids as easy to treat, but they should give the problem the respect it deserves.

Hemroids themselves are no big deal, but the area they are in is highly delicate and susceptible to lasting damage from improperly performed procedures – a good hemorrhoids doctor is important.

Don’t want to go through all this, finding a hemroids doctor and resulting surgery, then adjust your lifestyle and and diet, and check out these online hemroids medicines and remedies that heal, relieve and cure hemroids and come with money back guarantees. At last count, we had reviewed around 9 such products.

How to Find A Good Hemroids Doctor

So, the first hemroids doctor you probably want to look to is your general physician, with whom you hopefully already have a good working relationship. Make an appointment with him, and explain what your hemroid symptoms are to date.

If your hemroids are not complicated, not bleeding, and eligible for home treatment, your hemroids doctor will probably tell you to get more fiber in your diet, give you some recommendations for doing so, suggest warm water sitz baths, and maybe write you a prescription for a mild painkiller either in cream or tablet form for hemroid relief.

If, however, this first line hemorrhoids doctor suspects any complications, he’ll refer you to the go to the next hemroids doctor in the chain, which is to say a proctologist.

Your general physician is usually familiar with all the specialists of your local area and can recommend one that is right for you, so feel free to communicate exactly what you want in a doctor who will be looking at such a delicate and private area of your body.

Always remember that in dealing with any medical professional, you are protected by the Patient Bill of Rights, which you can always ask for a copy of. The Patient Bill of Rights may vary from country to country, and perhaps minimally from establishment to establishment, but a standard part of it is your right to fully understand any treatment that will be done to you before it is done, and your right to basic human respect and freedom from discrimination or bullying.

You also have the right to choose your own provider, so always request more clarification if needed and don’t hesitate to ask for a different provider if you should at any point feel uneasy about a given doctor.


The initial exam by a hemroids doctor, proctologist.

A proctologist is a specific kind of specialist hemroids doctor, that works with the anorectal canal and subsequent structures. In other words, if it has to do with your hemroids, this is probably the hemroids doctor that will be looking at it first.

The hemroids doctor will want to take a look at the area, which will involve a lot of draping and quite a bit of effort to help you feel as though you and your privacy are safe and respected. The draping helps both you and the hemroids doctor to psychologically separate looking at such a private area from any loss of comfortable mental space to communicate in.

As I found in my first gynecological exam at the age of twenty two, while under normal circumstances I would be highly upset at someone I didn’t know really, really well, even seeing such a part of me, hemroids doctors are well trained to make it as painless as possible.

After draping and initial external visual examination have taken place, the hemroids doctor may insert an anoscope to check for internal hemroids. This is a small, metal tube that has a port through which to see one quarter of the anal canal’s wall at a time. You can have it warmed up to a decent temperature first, if necessary.

After the proctologist – one specialist type of hemroids doctor – has taken a thorough look at the entire area to find anything that he or she needs to, a recommendation will be made from there as to further treatment.

That treatment may be as simple as a further prescription to help with the hemroids, or may extend to further tests to eliminate the possibility of other problems or recommendation of surgery and/or a gastroenterologist, which is considered to be another type of specialist hemorrhoids doctor.


Natural treatments from a hemroids doctor, proctologist.

If you want only natural treatments for your hemroids, your general physician and proctologist will usually be the people that you are working with most closely. Your general physician should already be aware of your preferences in this matter, and so should be able to recommend a proctologist who is practiced in natural or herbal remedies.

Remember, however, to communicate that clearly as one of your priorities, and feel free to stick to your guns on the subject. Natural remedies are frequently distrusted in the medical community, as they are difficult to work with to the accuracy and precision that serve as doctors’ safety nets.

A given herbal leaf can have a different dosage of medication dependent on how much sun it received as opposed to its neighboring plant, and doctors don’t generally like that kind of uncertainty in their practice.

Always feel free to change your hemroids doctor if any given one does not respect your wishes on the subject.

If your hemroids are to the point where your hemroids doctor feels that they really require a surgical procedure, request that the hemroid doctor convince you on the subject before signing to allow it.

However, don’t be surprised if any given doctor gets frustrated if you remain unconvinced and refuses to see you again because of it. Doctors can fire patients who are too uncooperative, and those patients can sometimes have problems receiving care elsewhere. Therefore, retain open channels of communication, be reasonable and polite, and check to see if the hemroids doctor you are considering is knowledgeable and open to natural remedies before entering that doctor’s care.


Hemroids doctor – The transition from proctologist to gastroenterologist

If the proctologist feels that hemroids are a symptom of a deeper intestinal problem, that’s when he or she will generally refer you to a gastroenterologist, who will then proceed with whatever tests are necessary to find out what is going on with your entire digestive system to solve the actual problem.

The field of gastroenterology is very, very complicated, as the area extends from your esophagus through your stomach, small intestine, and large intestine above the rectum.

Therefore, making any predictions past that point is rather difficult, but always remember that you still have the right to a full explanation of anything that any medical professional wants to do, and they have to keep explaining until you are fully sure you understand and can give informed consent or informed refusal.

So, always ask questions of any of the hemroids doctors that may be treating you, if there is anything you think you don’t really get.


Hemroids doctor for surgery

When hemroid surgery is indicated, the proctologist will generally refer you at that point to a colorectal surgeon – another specialist hemroids doctor you may encounter. This doctor’s sole purpose and practice is to do surgical procedures on your colorectal region, that’s it, that’s all.

Your proctologist will probably handle post-surgical care and should remain an active participant in your care throughout the process. The proctologist will consult with both the colorectal surgeon and you on what surgical procedure fits your condition the best.

As long as you agree, the surgeon will give you instructions on pre-surgical procedure and what you can do at home to prepare for the surgery, with requirements for self-care before surgery and what you can expect after surgery.

While some surgical procedures can be done on an outpatient basis, where you go home the same day of the surgery, every surgical procedure usually forbids at least some physical activity for up to a week afterwards.

You should also get predictions on how much pain will be involved, and prescriptions and instructions for dealing with pain, inflammation, bleeding, and other common side effects. Either the surgeon or your proctologist, or maybe both, will want to see you a few days after the surgery to make sure that healing is progressing well and no complications have come up.

Keep in mind that colorectal surgeons are not differentiated by name as to what sort of surgery they specialize in, so feel free to ask about their experience regarding the surgical procedure recommended for you.

Again, your general physician and, at this point, proctologist are great resources, as they should know all of the hemroid surgeons and their specialties, and their reputations, in your local area.

Most of medicine depends on a system of triage, or in other words, priorities based on severity of condition. Due to this, treatment waiting times can vary from a few days, in the case of particularly severe hemroids that really need to be treated immediately, to a few months in the case of less severe problems.

Getting an appointment for any given surgical procedure can take up to several months, but getting an appointment with a general physician should take no more than maybe a few days, and no more than a month for a proctologist.

For this reason, it is important to really be completely honest as to not only the severity of the hemroids themselves, but how much they are affecting your daily life. This is not the time to keep a stiff upper lip and downplay your problems so as not to be seen as a wuss, but to make sure that all medical professionals know how much hemroids are affecting your work, your sleep, or your interactions with other people.

If they know this, they can make a better decision as to your priority and speed up treatment schedules or provide temporary treatments as appropriate to help you gain the maximum functionability that you can.


Does a hemroids doctor have any specialist names, like lasererologist or cryologist?

They don’t really have different names, but they may advertise differently. For example, a colorectal surgeon that specializes in cryosurgery is common, as is a colorectal surgeon specializing in laser surgery, but they don’t have any official designation as such.

Each and every colorectal surgeon had to go through school to learn the scalpel method, and whatever certifications they got from there were gotten privately.


Hemroids doctor, in conclusion

Hopefully, this article has given you what you need to make informed decisions about hemroids doctors, but we simply cannot cover everything here.

Again, always feel free to ask questions, never stop until you completely understand the information that your doctor is trying to convey, your hemroid doctor’s beliefs, attitudes, and experience on the subject of hemroid care, and the intricacies of your insurance. Doing so will ensure that you have the best and least expensive experience possible while treating your hemroids.

Hemroids are one of the more common health problems in existence today, with over 10 million people annually being affected by them. They can also be quite frightening on occasion, as the pain, itching, burning, swelling, and occasional bleeding both really gets in the way of daily living activities and can be indications of much more serious problems.  A good hemroids doctor can be worth their weight in gold, while a bad hemroids doctor can cause you untold pain and grief for a life time.  There are horror stories.

Main write by L Ice and rewrites by DS Urquhart.


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