Amoils originally claimed that H-Hemorrhoids worked by killing hemorrhoids, however, I don’t believe that to be the case. I think it works more by shrinking them – helping them to reabsorb into the body, through their selection of 100% organic essential oils.
Is Amoils H-Hemorrhoids really able to do this?
Photo Testing of H-Hemorrhoids
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Just prior to using H-Hemorrhoids, you can see how tightly swollen the external hemorrhoid is.
Comments from the owner of this hemorrhoid appear under my own comments next to the photos. |
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2 days after the H-Hemmorhoid’s was started:
“the first application of H-Hemorrhoids left the hemorrhoid feeling a bit warm, in a way similar to what Bengay may do to a muscle, but not nearly as pronounced.” “palpation seems to indicate that the hemorroid has lost perhaps 15% of its mass within the last two days. Itching and pain still are not present in any way. I have noticed though, that the tissues inferior and superior to the hemorrhoid have become slightly inflamed and are turning a bit more reddish in color. I attribute this to the … Hemorrhoid oils migrating outward from the point of application. I am aware of this inflammation, but it is only mildly uncomfortable. When applying the oils to both the hemorrhoid, and the feet, sensations of warmth are still felt.” |
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4 days after using H-Hemorrhoids
“The most noticeable thing is that the hemorrhoid seems to have gotten a little bit softer.” |
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6 days after:”Perhaps the most notable two day change yet. Overall, I would estimate that the hemmorhoid has diminished in size by 35 to 40% since it was first noticed on November 24th. This takes into account that some of the mass seems to be out of the range of what the camera can capture. No itching. No pain. No more redness or irritation in the adjacent tissues. Still feel the warmth when applied to both the hemmorhoid and the feet.
… It would be a lot easier to get out of the bottle … if there were an eyedropper … However, this is a small price to pay if the product continues to be successful.” |
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This is the hemorrhoid at day 8. But the sufferers comment is worth noting again:”In the picture, the hemorrhoid does not look all that much smaller, but it definitely is smaller to the touch. I think that a lot of swelling was underneath the skin, and that this has diminished.” |
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Well, this is the 3 week mark.”Here is the latest pic. I have not changed the amount that is applied. As far as activity, I am constantly being very physical. For instance, last night, I played 3 hours of tackle football against a team of college aged football players. Lots of running, lots of impact. Playing lineman for a while certainly put a strain on this area.
Have maybe half of the bottle left. I am not at all aware of the hemorrhoid, other than seeing it in the pictures. I keep expecting to not see it at all.” |
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The 4 week mark:”The hemorrhoid seems to have gotten a lot smaller, based upon how it felt when applying the ointment. This decrease in size, may indeed be a result of not running over the holidays. A picture will be coming later today.”
” I noticed that the color has changed significantly. I hope that both of these things are good things.” It worth mentioning, that if you don’t stop what is causing your hemorrhoids, then why would they get better. |
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This external hemorrhoid photo taken 2 days after the one above.
Comment: “Much better now” |
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This one is also two days further on again, and it’s almost gone it seems. The chap has resumed running, and so far it hasn’t caused a problem.
Comment: “The hemorrhoid has gotten much smaller.” |
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So this is 5 days later – now up to 1 month 1 week and 2 days.Comment: “The hemorrhoid is all but gone now. I can only feel it a little bit with my finger. The color seems to be back to normal as well.”
Personally, I’m not actually sure if the hemorrhoid is still there, or whether it’s some loose tissue I’m looking at. Roughly two days later and the hemorrhoid is apparently gone. |
Roughly two days later and the hemorrhoid is gone. |
Comment: “I do belive that the hemorrhoid is gone. It does not show up on a picture, and I cannot feel it. I hope that this trial helped you to evaluate the product. If anything should arise again, I will be sure to let you know.
In the meantime, thank you for letting me try out the product!”
Another test of H-Hemorrhoids:
This was 4 weeks from start to finish | ![]() ![]() |
On another note, his wife also used them, got great relief, but suffered an allergic reaction to the cyprus oil ingredient, and the area became red raw, and she had to discontinue use – at least with H-Hemorrhoids, if this were to happen to you, you have their guarantee to fall back on to get your money back. Try doing that with over the counter products!
H-Hemorrhoids FAQ
How does H-Bleeding Hemorrhoids work?
H-Bleeding Hemorrhoids is another of their products which works by reducing the inflammation in bleeding external hemorrhoids. By reducing the inflammation, the body directs much less blood to the area, reducing the bleeding from the hemorrhoids and stops the bleeding in the end.
H-Bleeding Hemorrhoids also works on anal fissures – by reducing the inflammation and resultant swelling, the anal fissure is able to heal much more easily. Again, made only from the best 100% organic essential oils.
If your external hemorrhoids are bleeding
A point worth mentioning, if your hemroids are bleeding, you must first use H-Bleeding Hemroids, but once the bleeding hemroid has stopped bleeding, you should then use H-Hemorrhoids to get rid of the hemroid. Why? Because H-Hemorrhoids is a much stronger solution, unsuited for use on a bleeding hemorrhoid.
How fast do H-Hemorrhoids and H-Bleeding Hemorrhoids take to work?
The ingredients are quickly absorbed into the hemorrhoid tissue and go to work straight away.
If you follow the directions, you get enough of the active ingredients into the hemorrhoids to do the job.
H-Hemorrhoids and H-Bleeding Hemorrhoids are very concentrated active ingedient products – 100% pure organic essential oils are potent and are powerful – so follow the directions, don’t overdose!
For external hemorrhoids, most hemorrhoid sufferers can expect immediate symptom relief. For some, relief may be a bit slower coming, say 2 to 4 days.
How do you apply H-Hemorrhoids and H-Bleeding Hemorrhoids?
H-Hemorrhoids and H-Bleeding Hemorrhoids are applied topically to the hemorrhoids and also rubbed in to the soles of the feet. The latter is to encourage the uptake of the essential oils into the blood stream.
For internal hemorrhoids, Amoils suggests that the sufferer use a Q-Tip or eye dropper to insert a few drops of the essential oils into the anal canal – being oil, it will spread around fairly quickly and be absorbed.
For external hemorrhoids, you can use your finger or a q-tip.
What size bottle of H-Hemorrhoids and or H-Bleeding Hemorrhoids Should I buy?
After listening to the chap who kindly kept providing the photo updates above, I found out that the 33ml bottle I sent him was over half used at the 4 week mark, so the 11ml bottle would have been way too small.
For that reason my suggestions have changed drastically, and I firmly believe the 33ml bottle is the only size worthwhile buying, as far as getting rid of hemorrhoids is concerned. Yes you may have a bit to throw out or keep for a rainy day, but the cost of repeatedly buying an 11ml bottle – given the postal charges on the 11ml bottle and the product discount on the 33ml bottle – makes the 11ml bottle quite unattractive.
How many bottles should you buy?
Probably one 33ml bottle, because hemroids can be so symptom rich with pain and discomfort and bleeding, so having a left over on hand in case you get them again,or it doesn’t go away as fast as expected, is always a good idea. Amoils suggests, in a communique to me, that most hemorrhoid sufferers realise the importance of keeping some on hand. BUT, if you do buy an extra bottle, it’s only economical if you use it – if you don’t get hemorrhoids again, the extra bottle ( and hence your purchase price on the extra bottle), is wasted. Then again, stubborn hemorrhoids or much larger ones may require more than one large 33ml bottle.
Storing H-Hemorrhoids and H-Bleeding Hemorrhoids
Always remember to store these bottles of H-Hemorrhoids and H-Bleeding Hemorrhoids in a cool and dark place, as sun and or prolonged heat will destroy the active ingredients in the essential oils. Also, exposure to air if the lid is left off will ruin it – the active ingredients in essential oils evaporate off very quickly. So leave the lid off for a few hours and you’ll need a new bottle of the stuff, even though the bottle may still be very full, the active ingredients are gone.
Also, pay strict attention to any use by date on the bottle/s, as the active ingredients may be decayed too much to work after said dates. I suspect essential oils may last up to 12 months if stored correctly.
How to Order H-Hemorrhoids and H-bleeding Hemorrhoids?
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