Neo Healar cream is a topical cream used as a treatment for piles, hemroids, hemorrhoids, and haemorrhoids – they all mean the same thing – those often agonizing lumps in your bottom.
Neo Healar has been a round for a long time and is a piles treatment aimed at bringing symptom relief, as well help the piles heal, but does Neo Healar work? Is Neo Healar just another fraud, scam or con? Is Neo Healar a real piles treatment? Does Neo Healar really work on piles?
We reviewed Neo Healar as well as other piles treatments, and it passed the review/analysis of ingredients etc, but having done this,the next step is to see if the Neo healar cures piles in a real piles sufferer. Or is Neo Healar just a scam?
What we found in our own research at on the Neo Healar piles treatment:
The results appear to clearly show that Neo Healer does work.
Our research into Neo Healar involved a person with hemorrhoids, with the person willingly agreeing to give us the photos of his hemroids prior to starting on the Neo Healar hemorrhoids treatment, and then providing regular photo updates of the hemorrhoids during the application of Neo Healar.
The real piles photos below, shows that although the hemorrhoids sufferer appears to be showing improvement in his hemorrhoids while using the Neo Healar hemorrhoids treatment, the improvement appears to be occuring rather slowly.
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This first picture of his hemorrhoids / hemroids / piles was taken prior to starting on the Neo Healar hemorrhoids treatment. When I first saw this picture I had trouble interpreting what I saw, the long bits going up and down appear to be the skin flap remains of much bigger hemorrhoids that have long gone.The actual hemorrhoid is the swollen bit in the centre. |
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In this next picture, the Neo Healar has been now topically applied to the external hemorrhoids for two weeks, and it appears to be shrinking down quite well – the swelling is going in other words.In fact the swelling and the hemorrhoid may be gone, with just another skin flap left when the hemorrhoid healed. |
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This picture of hemorrhoids shows how the NeoHealar hemorrhoids treatment cream has affected the hemorrhoids after 3 weeks of use.After 3 weeks of use, the Neo Healar website claims reduction in hemorrhoid size by 91% on average. I think that is confirmed in these photos. |
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No further pictures to follow as the Neo Healars hemorrhoids treatment got rid of his hemorrhoids. You may be thinking, well that took an awful long time, but the chap kept doing the very thing that caused his hemorrhoids in the first place – He wouldn’t stop doing masses of physical activity which kept putting large amounts of pressure into the hemorrhoid. So Neo Healar fixed him in spite of himself!Anyway, in this hemorrhoids photo on the left, you see the same external hemorrhoids after 5 weeks of treatment with Neo Healar.
The core part of the hemorrhoids appears to be obviously present, the hemorrhoid appears to have come back. After getting ready to dump this hemorrhoids treatment from my list, the hemorrhoids sufferer got back to me and told me it took about another 3 weeks, but the Neo Healar did get rid of the hemorrhoids – the customer is really, really happy with the results. So, the external hemorrhoids were gotten rid of in about two months. Considering the size of these external hemorrhoids, that was AOK, even though it took much longer than the product claimed it would take. Clearly the long up and down stretches appears to be improving as well, and I really don’t know how to interpret that, as I wouldn’t expect Neo Healar to get rid of skin flaps, let alone ones of this size. Well done after all, Neo Healar. |
How did the hemorrhoids sufferer find the Neo Healar hemorrhoids treatment?
Neo Healar “… really reminds me alot of Icy-Hot and Ben-Gay that are used for muscle pain. It has a similar sensation that is both intense yet soothing” and several weeks later he reports “It does appear taht the hemorrhoid is getting smaller but I’ll let the pics speak for themselves.”
and a week or so later:
“… from a comfort standpoint, I have noticed what appears to be a very noticeable decrease in discomfort. I don’t know if its being ‘cured’ or not but I have not had any days with the itchy/burning inflammation flare ups in the past several weeks since using it.. I have recently resumed weight lifting and so far have not had any problems. I’m of the opinion that the stuff is helping. I’m still applying a tiny dab (it doesn’t take much) twice a day, 5 days a week. So far, I’m impressed. Much better than Prep H.”
As a point of clarification, it was the Neo Healar cream that was used, not the Neo Healar suppositories. The Neo Healar cream is for external hemorrhoids treatment, and that is the dignosis of his hemorrhoids – external hemorrhoids.
The Latest update on the Neo Healar Hemorrhoids treatment: Hemorrhoids gone!
“Greetings Donald,
Things are currently going well. I haven’t had any reoccuring problems now for weeks. I’m still applying the ointment on an irregular basis. Only time will tell if they are completely cured but for now I’m content that the product worked at eliminating the swelling, etc. ”
Could this improvement in his hemorhoids be due to some other factor than Neo Healar?
A single case study does not prove much one way or the other. The proving studies normally can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is well beyond the scope of
Unfortunately, the improvement was nothing near what I expected, and it may well be that Neo Healar has not seriously helped this man, but still, he kept doing the activities that we believe caused his hemorrhoids and he does report getting better in spite of that.
HEMORRHOIDS GONE IN 3 DAYS or your money back!
Well, yes, that’s true. BUT, it does take more than three days I think. It’s a bold claim, and relies on the fact that once you experience the effect over those three days, you wont want to stop using it!
Hemorrhoids Treatment with Neo Healar in Conclusion
Neo Healar seemed to work very quickly, with the hemorrhoid healed in about 2 weeks, but the hemorrhoid appeared to regrow very quickly even while using it – suggesting a hemorrhoid cause had been become active. Neo Healar all up took about 2 months to get rid of his hemorrhoid.
However, it provided rapid, long lasting hemorrhoid symptom relief, and then did apparently cure his hemorrhoids.
You can buy Neo Healar here, or return to the main hemorrhoids treatment review page.
Kind regards,
Donald, owner of, and writer and editor for,
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