Do you have internal, external or mixed hemroids? If you look at the hemorrhoid pictures below, you will likely get some idea. These hemorrhoid pictures come with helpful pointers, so that you can satisfy yourself that your doctor’s diagnosis is right or guide you to a better understanding of your hemorhoids. Doctors are reknowned for telling patients they have hemorrhoids, but then don’t tell them what type they have. So, by the end of this page, you should be able to tell from these photographs and pictures the type of hemorrhoid you have. Knowing that, can help steer you to cheaper and safer treatment options.

If you haven’t been diagnosed with hemorrhoids and you are trying to diagnose your condition yourself, well, according to Dr. Koch (2003), people get it wrong 50% of the time! So take care, but to help you further, if you go through the menu items on the left hand side, you will find “Is it a hemorrhoid OR ?”, this category contains a number of conditions that can be confused with hemorrhoids and may be worth checking out.

The picture series below is a mixture of a prolapsed internal hemorrhoid as seen in the middle of the 1st and 2nd photo, surrounded by external hemorrhoids – the swellings around it.
This picture photo looks like this lady is sufferring from both internal and external hemorrhoids - This photo of piles shows the effect of Venapro after one month of use - This picture of piles shows the effect of Venapro after using for two months - This photo of piles shows how Venapro appears to have substantially lessened the hemroids after only 2 and a half months - Venapro hemroids treatment 2 months after finishing the six months of tablets
The photos show their healing over a 10 week period. If you are interested in purchasing the pills this lady used to help heal herself, then Click here. In the last photo, all you can see are the skin tags – left over pieces of skin that remain when enormous (often thrombosed) hemorrhoids have healed and gone away. Remember too that treatment can be as simple as learning how to sit on a toilet properly! See “causes of hemorrhoids” for more helpful information and tips to prevent them.

“Just a note to thank you for the helpful information and photos re hemorrhoids. They have done much to assuage my concerns. Cheers, Barbara”

Contents on this page:

As well, you can see amongst the photos, pictures of bleeding hemorrhoids and pictures of thrombosed hemorrhoids.

What do real photos of hemroids look like? The real pictures of hemroids:

Internal Hemorrhoid Pictures and Photos

The pictures in this section are of internal hemroids that have prolapsed or fallen out.

This is a picture showing grade 4 hemroids – very advanced prolapsed hemroids that won’t go back inside. This is quite advanced, and would be treated medically by a hemorrhoidectomy most likely. You can read more about internal hemorrhoids here.

HEMROIDS - THEIR RELIEF, TREATMENT, CAUSE AND CUREI still get the horrors when I see it – see also the video on our hemorrhoid surgery page, which shows a very similar hemorrhoid to this one.

If you had something like this yourself, you could easily be worried it might be a rectal prolapse. With a rectal prolapse, the early stage looks like a close-petalled flower with a hole in the middle. With worse rectal prolapses, the appearance is more like a pair of socks turned in on themselves, the way you’d do before packing them into a drawer.

A rectal prolapse would also usually protrude a lot further out, maybe 6 inches (15 cms) or so. This hemorrhoid picture neither has the petal appearance nor the sock appearance, nor the protrusion length, from what I can see. I’ve seen a couple of bad hemorrhoid photos like that one elsewhere as well.

This prolapsed hemroid picture may give you an incentive to take your hemroids seriously. So many people treat hemroids as a joke when you talk to them about it. But this is how bad it can end up without treatment!

The next photo is the classical appearance of prolapsed internal hemroids – the hemroid grape appearance you hear a lot about:

The classical grape view of prolapsed internal hemroids / hemorrhoids.

In this video clip of internal haemorrhoids below, you can clearly see the bulging blue veins around the base of the black endoscopy probe. That’s the classic appearance of internal piles and normally you wont even know you’ve got them unless they bleed or a doctor finds them.

Mixed Hemorrhoid pictures and photos:

Mixed hemorrhoids basically means that both Internal and external hemorrhoids are present at the same time

This next photo shows an internal hemroid in the middle and a substantial external hemroid just underneath. The other bulges are more external hemroids. You can read more about external hemorrhoids here. The fold of skin toward the bottom may be an anal skin tag. Small skin tags can be left behind, when an external hemroid heals – the blood vessels resumes normal size, but the skin is stretched too far, and so a little dangly bit of skin is left.

Photo of an internal and an external hemroidThe above is a very nasty case of hemroids, and would be surgically treated by a hemorrhoidectomy, but take a look at those photos at the top of the page that show what the Venapro hemorrhoid treatment achieved in just a few weeks with these same hemorrhoids.

The 2 photos below are both of the same prolapsed internal haemorrhoids. The first is in its natural state following a bowel motion that ‘carries’ it outside, while the second one shows what the internal hemorrhoid looks like when the tissue has been pulled back from it. This internal hemroid is shrinking, as the picture was taken while using Venapro. The bulges around the internal hemorrhoid are external hemroids.

prolapsed internal hemorrhoid, pile, hemroid, haemorrhoid Same hemorrhoid/pile as the one on the left, but with the external hemorrhoids pulled away from it.Below is a picture of Grade 4 bleeding haemorrhoids. Presumably both internal prolapsed and external hemorrhoids are present in the photo, but it’s pretty hard to be sure. If you have something of a similar appearance yourself, you should see a doctor for a good diagnosis!

Bleeding external hemorrhoids that are diagnosed as Grade 4 - reuiring surgery for removal
Photo of bleeding hemorrhoids courtesy of copyright holder Απόστολος Σταματιάδης.Not sure what is going on in the picture, or where the bleeding is coming from, but I suspect the bleeding is coming from inside, but as the owner said they were hemorrhoids – but I would certainly see a doctor FIRST before trying to treat them.

Pictures and Photos of External Hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids are hemorrhoids that grow around the anal rim – mainly they look like lumps under the skin.

The next two photos are of bleeding external hemorrhoids. You can read more about external hemorhoids here. The picture on the left was taken several days earlier than the one on the right, and appears to show the external bleeding hemroid becoming more damaged, perhaps even an abscess (a cavity formed by bacterial infection) on the hemroid just starting to develop. For this type of external hemroid suggested preference for cost effectiveness and speed would be the essential oil or cream.

external bleeding hemroids The same external hemorids several days later.
Photos provided by gracious donation to this web siteThe next photo shows the classical appearance of an external haemorrhoid. In this case, it is a thrombosed external haemorrhoid, meaning a blood clot has formed inside it. The clot is what gives it that ‘black pearl’ appearance. Non-thrombosed external hemroids look just the same for the most part, but a less vivid blue color. This one I’m told followed a three day period of constipation and presented with massive pain (undoubtedly the pain was caused by the thrombosis).

The flap of skin over it appears to be an anal skin tag, and is often the result of the old stretching procedure some doctors and surgeons practiced for anal fissures that wouldn’t heal. Such skin tags can also be formed when an external hemorrhoid goes away, as the stretched skin caused by the hemorrhoid is unable to resume normal shape.

Chronic conditions like external hemorrhoids often require a multifaceted approach to management, combining topical treatments with lifestyle changes to prevent recurrence. Similarly, conditions affecting vascular function, such as erectile dysfunction, also rely on targeted pharmaceutical solutions to improve blood flow and overall well-being. One such medication, Cenforce, is widely used for enhancing circulatory efficiency in specific areas of the body, working through the inhibition of enzymes that restrict blood flow. Just as thrombosed hemorrhoids result from impaired circulation leading to clot formation, erectile dysfunction can be linked to restricted blood supply, highlighting the broader importance of vascular health. Addressing these issues effectively requires not only symptom management but also an understanding of the underlying causes, ensuring that individuals receive the most suitable treatment options. A comprehensive approach to circulatory health can lead to better outcomes, whether in managing painful hemorrhoids or improving vascular function in other critical areas.

External thrombosed hemorrhoid, skin tag on the right.
Photo of thrombosed external hemorrhoid graciously donated.Even though it was thrombosed and causing severe pain, the surgeon considered it too small and sent this lovely lady home with the directions to take an anti-inflammatory, and to take a wash cloth soaked in warm water and salt and place it on the hemorrhoid for a period of 5 minutes twice per day. That’s good advice, although it can be a bit dispiriting to be sent home in pain. Remember, doctors never operate on anything unless it’s the only option. Anti-inflammatory medicine and gentle washing in warm water really is the best thing to relieve the pain.

This next hemorrhoids picture is of an external haemorrhoid. Being an external hemroid, you could probably use either Heal Hemorrhoids or Neo Healar for it, as they are the cheaper alternatives. That’s just my opinion, though – you should find what works for you best, and check with your doctor if you aren’t sure.

Photo of an external hemorrhoid / hemroid
Photo of external hemorrhoid graciously donated.Below appears to be a couple of photos of an external hemorrhoid with a harmless skin flap right next to it.

External hemorrhoid and a harmless skin flap The second picture of the external hemorrhoid and skin flap
Photo graciously donated.This is an external hemorrhoid that had developed a blood clot within it – otherwise known as a thrombosed hemorrhoid. Thrombosed hemorrhoids are often very large, because the blood clot may stop blood from leaving the hemorrhoid, but may still allows some to go in – so it balloons up.

very large thrombosed external hemorrhoidAfter being treated with a cream for a few days, it begun shrinking – most thrombosed hemorrhoids do stat shrinking anyway due to the clot breaking up – and here is what it then looked like:

After the thrombosis goes, the hemorrhoid begins shrinking

External hemorrhoids to be, in the process of becoming:

The next three photos of external hemorrhoids were also graciously donated, so another big thank you. You can read more about straining as a cause of hemorrhoids here, and more about the association between constipation and hemorrhoids here.
These pictures show how external hemorrhoids can appear different according to how much straining is going on. The first picture is of a relaxed anus, no straining.

This picture of external hemorrhoids shows that they don't always show themselves - no strainingThe second picture when it is slightly strained, and straight away you can see how the veins start bulging:

How external hemorrhoids may appear with little strainingThe last photo shows what the external hemorrhoids look like when there is heavy strain going on. Note how the anus actually looks more closed up and congested here, although the piles themselves almost look flatter – they’re really squeezed up tight together!

External hemorrhoids that appear with much strainingYou can see from these pictures quite dramatically how straining can aggravate and cause hemroids.

You can tell they appear to be external hemorrhoids, because the hole has nothing poking through and hiding it.

Although the last two photos show what external hemroids can typically look like, the first photo shows that the veins are still able to return to their normal state. It would be more correct to say the second two pictures are of veins that have not fully developed into external hemroids, but they are certainly on their way to doing so.

Sentinel Skin Tags and External Hemorrhoids

The photo below is a picture of external hemroids . You can tell it’s not a picture of internal hemorrhoids, as the opening has nothing poking through and the thing is clearly developing around the rim, pushing the rim upward.

HEMORRHOIDS - THEIR RELIEF, TREATMENT, CAUSE AND CUREHowever, I have to say the second photo also looks like it contains a sentinel skin tag. The sentinel skin tag appears to be that lump of skin sticking up straight and is not to be confused with an external hemorrhoid, though it might yet be one to a more trained eye. Sentinel skin tags grow when the anus has been hurt or a disease is or has been involved.

This next photo picture of hemorrhoids below, well, I can’t make up my mind. It is either an external hemorrhoid or a large anal skin tag, with smaller skin tags near it – perhaps all are sentinel skin tags, as they tend to stand straight up. The key to identifying a hemorrhoid is to look and see if it looks like there is blood inside it causing swelling, like a fluid-filled balloon ( Dr.. T. R. Koch, editor, Colonic Diseases, Human Press, N.J., 2003 ). The smaller ones here don’t look badly swollen and therefore might not be hemorrhoids, but the larger one certainly looks a little swollen to me. The donor of this photo described the pain as agonizing and was off to see a doctor for it, which is what he needed to do – painful skin tags on the anal rim can be a sign of an underlying problem in the bowel, so it’s well worth talking to a doctor about it.

Thrombosed hemorrhoid
Photo of sentinel skin tags – aka a type of anal skin tags – graciously donated.The other noteworthy point is that these are appearing on the outside of the anal rim, not poking through, so there was no way it could be an internal hemorrhoid.

Not treatment is recommended other than seeing a doctor, as I believe they are sentinel skin tags with pain.

Below is a picture of a tiny little external hemroid, following pregnancy and childbirth. In spite of its apparent size, at times it may have been extremely painful and troublesome. It might also appear much bigger if straining was going on. You can read more aboutpregnancy hemorrhoids here and other forms of pregnancy prolapses here.

This picture of an external hemroid following pregnancy and childbirth.
Photo graciously donated.There is no blood swelling in this one, it is actually quite tiny. It could easily be an anal skin tag I think, perhaps left over from the pregnancy hemorrhoid that was once there. This type of occurrence is quite common. When the diagnosed hemroid heals up, it can leave a tag behind. That can make you think there’s still a hemroid there when actually the problem has been solved. As long as it’s painless and not bothering you, there’s no need to trouble your doctor about it. But if you’re not sure, or if it’s sore, a medical opinion should set your mind at rest.

It may also be a picture photo of a sentinel skin tag, indicating disease or damage, with the previous hemorrhoid fully reabsorbed.

Remember, whether with external or internal hemorrhoids, if you have a baby inside or newly born and breast feeding, it is not the best time to try and treat. Wait until after the baby has been weaned off the mother’s breast milk. At that point, if the hemroid remains, you can use what you need to.

Your condition does NOT look like those in the hemorrhoid pictures above?

If your condition does not appear to be like those above, it may be that you have internal hemroids – a condition you cannot see normally, unless you use medical apparatus and someone else – doctor – to assist you.

If you have a condition around your anus that doesn’t look like any of these photo pictures, then chances are you are suffering from a different condition to hemroids. One possible alternative is genital anal warts.

A picture that contains a mix of one hemorrhoid (?) and several skin tags:

Skin tags of the anal region, anus.This photo picture of skin tags was graciously donated by Mark.

Mark suffers from Crohns Disease, a disease known for causing very large skin tags around the anus.

The main obvious difference between anal skin tags and hemroids is that the skin tags are flattish in appearance and appear around the rim of the anus. The one in the middle that looks a little swollen, like a bean, might be an external hemorrhoid. See how it looks fuller than the others?

Your photos needed.

Unfortunately this isn’t really possible anymore. Sorry. Stopped the testing due to the downturn in the global economy and concerns over stolen photos. When things pick up again I hope to bring the option back, but for now, sorry.

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